We’re In the Endgame Now
The end of a generation couldn’t have been better for the MCU. So if you want to find out my personal opinion keep reading but if you...

A Look at Movies And Behavior
Do you know when the first movie was made? The first movie was made in 1888. That is over 100 years old! Though we may not notice, the...

Mr. LVHS 2019: Another Man Handed the Throne
The stage is set. The acts are rehearsed. The costumes are ready. The curtains are closed. The only thing left to complete: the pageant....

The Attack of the Zodiacs
♈♐♍♋♌♑ As a young adult, I find myself taking my day to day life into consideration. I find myself saying “everything happens for a...

Summer Time
Summer is always the best time for teenagers coming out of school. For me, summer is the best time of my life because I can do anything I...

Godspeed Review in CW’s The Flash
Godspeed himself is nothing short of a brilliant visual. Godspeed is a speedster villain from the comic book series “The Flash”. His...

The PS Vita is Officially Dead
Sony’s one and only handheld gaming system is, after eight years of being a laughingstock in the gaming industry, dead at last. The...

Chilling Adventures of Sabrina Part 2 Review
The second part of the Netflix series Chilling Adventures of Sabrina was officially released onto Netflix, April 5th, 2019. Chilling...

The trend of Tattoos
According to a study presented Wednesday at the British Sociological Association, 192 people with managerial experience were recruited to...

Disney Channel Stars→Then + Now
It’s 3:40 pm and you just got off the school bus. You run into the house, throw down your bookbag and turn on the television. Everyday...