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The trend of Tattoos

According to a study presented Wednesday at the British Sociological Association, 192 people with managerial experience were recruited to rate images of people both with and without tattoos. In the results, the managers believe tattooed employees could attract a young clientele, making businesses hip and relevant. They could improve your self-image for weeks after you get them. They can cover up flaws on your body and make you more confident. It's art on your body and that basically makes you a walking museum. Tattoos also make you take responsibility for your actions, you are stuck with it for life.


After selecting or designing the art to be transferred via tattoo, it is stenciled or drawn on the skin. The skin is cleaned with an antiseptic, and a thin layer of ointment (such as petroleum jelly) is placed on the site. Permanent tattoos are created using a needle to repeatedly inject pigmented ink into the skin. Professional tattoo artists use a motorized, electric-powered machine that holds needles and punctures the skin up to several thousand times per minute. The needles are dipped into the ink and then puncture the skin at a depth of a few millimeters. Any blood or fluid is wiped away during the procedure. There are many videos on the internet that explain safe and acceptable methods of tattooing. It can take from 15 minutes to several sessions to get a tattoo depending on the size and detail of the tattoo. Most people say it is painful.

Unfortunately, many tattoos are placed by amateurs—making the process much riskier and increasing the risk of complications. so Would you rather get a tattoo in a kitchen for 20 dollars by amateurs, or would rather get a tattoo from a professional at a tattoo shop.


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