Godspeed Review in CW’s The Flash

Godspeed himself is nothing short of a brilliant visual. Godspeed is a speedster villain from the comic book series “The Flash”. His design is by Carmine Di Giandomenico, and hopefully they show more with this character down the line. It’s a shame that he was used as something of a throwaway villain here, and hopefully this doesn’t mean that they’re going to take him off the table for future seasons. This character is just too intriguing to me and has so much background from the comics to be a one-and-done, and while it’s admirable that the show has tried to adhere to a “no more speedster villains” policy since the end of season three, if you’re gonna end that drought, you may as well do it with Godspeed.
It was a very interesting move to introduce Godspeed the way they did. I wasn’t expecting him to be a villain in the future timeline to combat Nora, The Flash's daughter. But in the comics, he’s a colleague of Barry’s from the present day, who becomes an antihero of sorts trying to avenge his brother’s murder. Most of that story was scrapped (at least to this point) for the TV version, with Godspeed retooled into a guy just trying to give himself speedster powers via Velocity 9. Curious if we’ll ever see more of Godspeed, or if he’ll wind up simply a Baddie of the (Future) Week. It was quite unfortunate to see how they treated Godspeed as a villain due to just how big his fanbase is within the community; perhaps they let down fans a bit not including him more. They never gave him a backstory which Godspeed’s is very cool; therefore they didn’t do him justice.
When discussing the suit design, I enjoy it. They could have done more and a little less at some points, but overall, the suit design pleased fans, me included and they did well to bring this villian to life. The visual effects went perfectly though. They did a very good job animating the suit making him feel powerful, which Godspeed is. Instead of his traditional golden lightning, they gave him white lightning which complimented the suit very well.