Top 5 Best Superhero TV Shows
Before we begin I would like to enlighten the fact that this article is purely made of my own thoughts and opinions. Since 2012 when DC’s...

ACT Complication: Stop It Before It Hits The Nation
February 21, 2019: Licking Valley High School - 163 Juniors packed up at the school in preparation for the ACT, a test required for...

Three Sport Athletes Are Dwindling
Track, lacrosse, baseball and softball have slowly started to make their way into everyday conversation for spring athletes. It won’t be...

Calamity Day Consequences
With the recent legislation that was passed, schools are now requiring their students to come to school for a certain number of hours:...

Paint the White House Rainbow
“If a bullet were to enter my brain, let that bullet destroy every closet door.” ~ Harvey Milk Harvey Milk ran for the Board of...

Soulja Boy Makes Ripoff Game Systems
Lawsuits may always seem serious, but there are some legal battles that are too unique to not be hilarious. Odd news article titles are...

Sweet, Sweet Victory
The Super Bowl is one of the most valued events in American culture. The anticipation of which team will win, the comic relief from the...

The Pets You Can't Pet
Have you ever owned a pet that you can’t pet? Probably not. Unless it’s a fish and even then I’m not sure you think to yourself, Oh I...

Longest Government Shutdown To Date
As of January 22, 2019, this is currently the longest government shutdown in U.S. history. This period of absence is due to the feud...

ACL injuries
Birthdays are supposed to be a nice pleasant day, not for me. As I felt the excruciating pain of my ACL and MCL snapping from my knee, I...