Is Black Friday Becoming Overrated
Grab the Turkey, hand the yams because the entertainment is about to begin. Black Friday is about the deals and the bonds you can build...

The Otherworld
The Otherworld is a 32,000 square foot art museum located in Columbus. This building was constructed by 40 different artists which they...

November Movie Reviews
Frozen Two The sequel to Disney’s 2013 blockbuster Frozen was surprisingly dark for its young audience. Frozen Two included a plot about...

Lyrics to the ears
Over the past few decades there have been millions of records and songs released. These songs have a wide range in what you would be...

Top 10 Best Classic Saturday Night Live Skits
Since October of 1975, the classic show Saturday Night Live has been making people laugh like no other. For generations, this show has...

Should Schools be able to Track their Students?
A Texas school came up with the idea of putting tracking devices in school I.D. cards. If this was the case, I feel like it would not do...

Is Christmas Starting to Get Celebrated too Early?
As everyone knows, Christmas is one of the most favorite holidays of all. People tend to love the traditions that come along with...

Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show Is Cancelled
As of November 21st, 2019, L Brands made the announcement that the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show will not be airing to any networks. The...

Painting Your Body With Ink
Tattoos have been around for over 12,000 years. In Egypt, women were usually the only ones to get tattoos as a way to mark their status...