Online Driving
The world stood still as everybody headed inside to stop a virus but while many were loathing or enjoying their time inside, the teens of...

Seasons Changing
With Covid-19 happening in our world it’s hard to do the activities we love due to the precautions we have to take. Luckily there’s still...

Jeremiah Harris Career Cancelled?
Jeremiah Harris or Jerry was born on July 14th, 1999. His mother died of lung cancer when he was 16 years old. He is currently 21 years...

Does Kahoot really help teach students? Have you ever wondered if educational games really help students at school? What I mean by this...

Wild Fires Rage
2020 Wildfires are starting to take over all over the United States. California, Oregon, and Washington. The California wildfire is over...

How Long is Quarantine Going to Last?
Since near the beginning of March 2020 a worldwide pandemic which led to a quarantine has kept people bottled away from social...

Detectives Shot and Killed in Cleveland
On September 3rd, 2020, breaking news struck around Cleveland and the rest of Ohio. 53 year old detective, James Skernivitz, was shot and...

England to Extend Quarantine Another 6 Months
According to the Prime Minister of England, Boris Johnson, the United Kingdom was facing a second wave of the highly publicised novel...

2020: The Year of No Marching Band Competitions
2020 has been a different year, especially for students who are involved with the marching band. This past July, OMEA (Ohio Music...

Working While In School
While quarantine was a bust throughout summer it finally came to an end. School started up and it felt as if it never stopped. Some got...