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Seasons Changing

With Covid-19 happening in our world it’s hard to do the activities we love due to the precautions we have to take. Luckily there’s still places open where people can follow the Covid-19 rules.

For instance lot’s of haunted houses are still able to be open due to being able to be spaced out. An example of a haunted house that’s still open is the Haunted Hoochie. The Haunted Hoochie is located in Pataskala Ohio and opens at 8:30 and is open till 2 a.m. When going to the Hoochie you’re able to go in groups to walk through the house but while waiting in line it’s important to stay spaced out from the other groups. Also it’s important to wear a mask especially while being around groups of people.

Another fall favorite that’s still open are pumpkin patches. It’s great that pumpkin patches take place outside so people are able to be spaced out enough to not wear a mask. A popular pumpkin patch that’s open is one in Hebron Ohio called Pigeon Roost. Pigeon Roost is open from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. The whole pumpkin patch is completely outside so being able to have fun and safe is completely available to the public.

Being able to get out and enjoy the fall season with fall activities is important to health. Finding the light in these hard times in the world is difficult but finding activities to do while taking the Covid-19 precautions while having fun is crucial. There’s many more fall activities that can be found and enjoyed but these are just a few of the favorites!



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