Jeremiah Harris Career Cancelled?

Jeremiah Harris or Jerry was born on July 14th, 1999. His mother died of lung cancer when he was 16 years old. He is currently 21 years old. He is a cheerleader and has a television personality. With an insane net worth of 450,000 million. He was on the very popular Netflix tv series called Cheer. He eventually made mat and performed with the Neverro College team and was also on several different All-Star teams. Jerry had such a bubbly personality and overcame and accomplished so much in life. Not long after his huge pickup of fame and following of people from the cheer world it all crashed and burned.
Two now 14-year-old twin boys that were 13 at the time said that Jerry harassed them for over a year online and at cheer competitions. Jerry repeatedly asked the 13-year-old boy to produce sexually explicit videos and photos of himself and send them to Jerry. “The boys’ lawsuit also accuses the cheer organizations U.S. All-Star Federation, Varsity Spirit and Cheer Athletics of failing to protect the boys” (Los Angeles Times). All of which stayed away from the allegations and told that they had no idea of his actions and that he hadn’t associated with some of them for a long time. Those big cheer companies were in the clear. Jerry, not so much. Jerry was arrested with the charge of child pornography on Thursday, September 24, 2020.
Child pornography is when you sexually exploit a child. The usual sentence for this minimum of 15 years to 30 years in maximum prison. It is illegal to have any kind of content of a child like that on your device or in your possession that is under 18. Asking a minor or sending a minor explicit photo is also illegal. talks about some of the statistics on this when writing “The number of internet child pornography images has increased 1500% since 1988”. The technology has made a huge increase in the problem because online activities like these are more likely to happen. This has been recognized by many people “With the advent of the internet, the problem with child pornography has exploded” (Ernie Allen, National Center for Mission and Exploited Children). Overall the issue is sadly becoming more common.
This was so heartbreaking for the family but his fans as well. Imagine wanting to be like him and looking up to how positive he was and his cheer career just to find this heartbreaking news. This kind of stuff really does just happen and you never know who will be the next victim or the next predator. His former cheer coach Monica was like a mother to the kids on her team and when she found out she was speechless. Just remember to check up on your kids and ask questions about this stuff to keep them opened up about it in case something were to ever happen so you are aware and can stop it sooner.