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Lyrics to the ears

Over the past few decades there have been millions of records and songs released. These songs have a wide range in what you would be comfortable listening to such as rock, pop, saddays, 80s, and culture music. Music has different ways of connection to the world or person. Researchers say that a kid has a better way of connection to music than adults due to the growth of their brain. When music goes to your head, you may be wondering why it makes you feel a certain way. There is a part of your brain where imagery is and when the music goes into your brain it relaxes and when thinking about the lyrics, images will come with them. Also music connects to the body's emotion. When listening to sad music you may feel depressed or the lyrics that are being said might relate to something bad in life. When the up beat music comes on you may feel a rush and burst of energy. Music has different ways of drawing in people, It might be the beats of the music or the lyrics.

For instance, the artist Nf, Logic, Xxtentation and Ludicus are influence to bring awareness to the world. The lyrics in these songs are a highlight of what one may be going through. Depending on the person listening to the music, it could help with a situation that's going on in their lives. For an example, Nf just released an album called Therapy Session. Nf pursues to talk about the dark feelings that are going on in his mind or life just like Logic does with his songs. Each artist has their own story and view of life, so when people are listening to these songs if someone is going through depression, violence, family, or friend issues. This music will connect to the brain a lot more and will draw your attention into it.

Now there are artists like Lizzo,Taylor Swift, and K pop, that have an upbeat tone to their songs. Some people could relate to Taylor Swift's new album that has a message to love who you want. Within the last decade people have been being discriminated for being who they are. Taylor Swift sends out a message to people in LGTBQ community, telling people to be loud and proud and that everything is going to be okay.

These people would more than likely be heard playing at a party or an event. The beats that are in the music the way it reacts to the human brain gives the person an uplifting. It may seem that all the problems you once had are relieved from your shoulders. Music is a type of art that understands each and every one of us physically, mentally, and emotionally.


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