Should Schools be able to Track their Students?

A Texas school came up with the idea of putting tracking devices in school I.D. cards. If this was the case, I feel like it would not do anything because not very many students carry around their school I.D. card with them all the time. Some of the teachers at the school in Texas thought that it would be helpful to know where the students are at all times, to make sure they are safe. But many people thought that this was invading the students privacy.
It is okay for parents to track their child because they want to make sure that their child is safe. For a school to track the child is a bit too much. If the school has any concerns about the student ask the parents or the student in person. The teachers do not need to know where the students are everyday, let them be.
The students did not think that this idea was fair at all. If the teachers can track the students, why wouldn’t the students be able to track the teachers. If this was the case I feel like the teachers would agree that this might be invading privacy.
For Licking Valley, I don't think this practice would be effective at all. Students would just leave their I.D. card at home all the time. It would also be very annoying to know that your teachers can see your location. This would just make students rebel, and be sneaky about their location. Maybe if it was just a card to track when people enter and exit the building that would be okay, but seeing the location of a student at all times is wrong. Some also think that the tracking device would help the staff figure out where the kids go after they leave the building, if they leave school early. I asked Morgan Meadows how she would feel if the school was able to track her and she replied with, “They don’t have the right to do that because they are not my parents. They don’t need to know where I am all the time.”
If they only put it so they could see when someone enters or exits the building that would be more effective. Then they could see if students skip class or come in early or late. But tracking them at all time is unnecessary.