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The Pets You Can't Pet

Have you ever owned a pet that you can’t pet? Probably not. Unless it’s a fish and even then I’m not sure you think to yourself, Oh I wish I could pet my fish! Recent articles have been released saying that you shouldn’t cuddle or kiss your pet hedgehog. Why? Because they have been found to carry salmonella. Salmonella is a bacteria that can infect humans while living harmlessly on animals. In 2013, 26 people reported with salmonella had been in contact with a hedgehog. Now this isn’t to say that you just shouldn’t have one of those cute little creatures in fear that you will obtain salmonella but instead take the correct steps to ensure that you and your family are safe.

Always wash your hands with warm soap and water directly after handling Hedgie the hedgehog. Especially when cleaning their cage and clearing out their droppings. If there are small children in the house, make sure they do not touch their face or mouths or any of their toys after handling Hedgie until they have washed their hands. With all these cautionary measures aside, it is not certain that your precious Hedgie is contaminated with salmonella. If you are in the market to purchase a hedgehog instead of being scared away by recent news articles, make sure you at least choose wisely. According to The Spruce Pets, “It is important to choose a healthy looking hedgehog.” If you spot a hedgehog that just doesn’t seem to be at his peak level of health, avoid the whole group that he is with. Salmonella easily spreads throughout animals that are in close contact with one another so if one seems ill it is best to try to find a different group of them.

A common symptom with pets who carry salmonella is diarrhea. If you have had your pet for a long time and he has never had diarrhea then you are probably safe, but still always wash your hands. Some have been wondering how to know if you have salmonella, symptoms include: “diarrhea, abdominal cramping, fever, headache, and stomach pain.” With all of these cautionary measures in mind, don’t let this scare you away from bringing precious little Hedgie home.


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