The Blue Halloween

The blue moon or the harvest moon this moon has been around for years that's why it has all these names but guys what it won't be the last one in 2020 the reason why its called the harvest moon is because it helps farmers get crops through the nights that's whys its called that.
The moon won't be blue so don't get your hopes up that's why they usually call it the hooters moon but why is there a blue moon on Halloween you ask well every 19 years there is a blue moon on Halloween but this is gonna be the first blue moon since 1944 isn't that crazy but its really rare seeing this because its 2 full moons in one month that's why its called blue moon but like i said it only happens every 18 to 19 years.
So now if you never experience a blue moon you will it is gonna be so cool but the other thing about it is that it's gonna be a bright Halloween that's why its called farmers moon so they can see but here are some facts about the blue moon there is normally 12 full moons in a year but there is gonna be 13 but the blue moon is applied to the third full moon in a season with four full moon.