Suicide rates going up for teenagers in the U.S

Suicide is not something that we should be taking lightly or using as a joke. Lots of children and adults don't understand how seriously we should take the topic of suicide. Sometimes you might hear someone get frustrated and use the terms “ I'm going to kill myself”, “ I'm going to jump off a cliff”, or “ I wish I got hit by a bus. These are just some of the many terms that most people use as a joke on a daily basis. Some people don't even realize that they are saying anything suicidal, they are just so used to saying and hearing this kind of stuff every single day that they don't even think about it anymore.
This is not good considering that in 2017 suicide was the 10th most common way to die, today it is the 2nd most common way for people ages 19-24 to die. Most people don't sit around and think about these things unless we've had someone we know or love pass from it. This means that you don't know who it's going to bother or hurt when you make a joke about it. Telling somebody that they should kill themselves is one of the most common reasons for teens to commit. Along with stress from school, work, or people in their life, feeling hopeless, being in pain, or just for attention.
Many people that commit feel that there is no other way to make the pain that their feeling go away. This is why we have suicide prevention hotlines where you can call and personally talk to someone about what's happening and they can help you realize that there is always another way out. We also have suicide prevention month in September as a reminder to everyone out there that they are loved.
If you ever see anybody that you know might be thinking about suicide or harming themselves please make sure that you tell somebody so that they can get some help and feel better. The amount of teen deaths nowadays is absolutely devastating and we need to put a stop to it.