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Senior Fears

First day of senior year and you are excited, it’s your last year and you are the top dogs in the school. You are on top of the world until you realize you have to figure out what you are doing after high school. If you are going to make it to graduation because of the missing assignments. Not knowing if you and your friends are going to fall apart after graduation. If you will even get into college.

Seniors have so many unknowns running through their head, fears of failing, being distant, and not knowing what they are going to do. Teachers constantly asking what colleges have you visited? Where did you apply? What is your plan if not college, trade? Have you turned in your applications? So many questions are asked and it may feel like they are on your case 24/7 but they do it so we do get it done and we don’t forget to send our application and not get into the college of our dreams, etc.

Although junior year was very important because that is the GPA you are most likely using on your transcripts, senior year is a lot harder. We are coming to the realization that we are about to be in the real world. Whether it’s if we are paying rent, paying off loans, moving away, and getting our own life.

It is so important when you are a senior to not let your fears define you. One choice in the world is not going to affect the rest of your life, you can go back and change it. You don’t like your job? Quit. You want to go to college even after two years of graduating high school who cares? The decision we are making now is not gonna be forever. Who knows, maybe some of our choices will but never settle for less than you deserve. Do not let fear make you rush things. Take your time while we are young and we have time.

I cannot take my advice for myself because as I’m trying to get myself together, I still feel so afraid. I don’t know if I will get into college and do the career I’ve always wanted. All I know is that I am going to try my best and not let these senior fears pull me away. When teachers are on my case, it motivates me and reminds me to get it done. I’m trying to learn to not let fear control my decision or make me decide any faster. All we have 40 weeks to figure it out and after that a lifetime.



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