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Pigeon Roost Farm

Fall is a special time of year where the leaves all turn colors, pumpkins are being carved, and everyone is making memories. Pigeon Roost Farm is a perfect place for some family fun. The address is 4413 National Road SW Hebron, Ohio. It is a great place to go with your family for fun fall activities. But because of COVID-19 the farm is only open on weekends.

The parking when you pull in is free, so when you pull in you can just find the first open parking spot. The only cost is when you want to enter the fun center. It costs $8.00 per person, and it is a few extra dollars for the paintball shooting range and wagon rides. But if you don’t want to spend a few extra dollars, there are still plenty of things to do.

The pumpkin patch is the first part of the farm you would walk through. They have a large variety of pumpkins from great big ones great for jack-o'-lanterns or tiny ones for cute fall decorations. Some pumpkins are great for making pies or pumpkin bread. In the pumpkin patch is where you could also buy corn stalks for decoration. But everyone will find their perfect pumpkin. In the pumpkin patch is where many people like to take pictures with all the pumpkins or in the giant chair and by the pumpkin tree, that’s in the shape of a tree.

The fun center has a variety of arcade games, ninja warrior courses, corn maze, and wagon rides. There are so many things to do so I suggest you get there in time to spend at least a few hours there. While you are walking around, you could also grab a snack at the concession stand which could be anything from a fresh squeezed lemonade, funnel cake, or fresh cut fries. They also sell these giant bags of kettle corn which they make there.

In the fun center they have a variety of animals which include chickens, goats, turkeys, rabbits, ducks and geese. Last time I went there I fed the goats some corn, and they were so cute and friendly. I spent about 2 hours at the farm and still didn’t get to see all the animals or activities.

When I went my favorite part was picking out the perfect pumpkin to carve and the corn maze. I loved seeing everyone so happy and dressed all cute in their fall clothes. I can’t wait to go back there again and maybe finish all the activities in the fun center next time. I would highly suggest Pigeon Roost Farm if you haven’t already given them a visit.



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