Homecoming 2020
2020 has been a crazy year. There are many things that people love to do and can't because of the coronavirus. Homecoming is one of them. For many people, homecoming is one of the best things about high school. People love going dress shopping, getting ready, taking pictures, and the actual dance. Unfortunately, most schools can’t have a homecoming this year.
Homecoming is a special time of the year for most people because it is super fun, and the week leading up to it is super exciting. All the activities leading up to homecoming such as; dress shopping, getting your nails and hair done, and the school spirit week are very fun. As a freshman last year, I made a lot of memories. Movies make homecoming seem like either a dream or an awful time, there is no in between. I think everyone should experience at least one homecoming because it is pretty different from the movies. I think everyone needs to make their own opinion about homecoming.
Homecoming being canceled is sad news for everyone, but mainly the seniors and freshman. The seniors won’t get to have their last homecoming and the freshman won’t be able to experience their first homecoming, which is unfortunate but they will have three others that hopefully work out. It is understandable why homecoming got canceled though. There would be no way to social distance in the school. It already gets super hot during the dance, and having to wear masks would be awful.
I think that there should be a way to still have some sort of safe homecoming. I understand why we can’t have a traditional homecoming that everybody hopes for because there is no way to safely cram all four classes into the commons. We could still do the homecoming spirit week to get everyone in a better mood. We obviously couldn’t hold our homecoming inside, but we have plenty of room outside. We could even have it up at the track. I’m sure a few teachers would be fine with staying a couple hours so that we could have a homecoming. If a homecoming for all four grades is impossible right now, I think the seniors should at least get their last homecoming.
It is unpleasant to hear that there will be no traditional homecoming this year. But we still had a spirit week and little homecoming event. The 2020 Homecoming Court is Taylor Conaway, Ella West, Emma Fehrman, Xavier Felumlee, Emilee Redfern, Bradon Bishop, Kristen Minton, Ben Kozlowski, Clayton Orr, Rylan Ellis. Our school had a homecoming that was just for the seniors. It was kind of like a pep rally. It was on friday, October 9, during 9th period at the football field. At the field, the homecoming queen and king was announced. The 2020 homecoming queen and king are Emilee Redfern and Brandon Bishop.