Good vs Evil

Society often thinks evil humans are the ones who end up or are in prison. Some may be right. Society defines good people as no criminal record. Society has been trying to not define people into groups but that is ongoing.
The reality is the evil things the bad people have going on in their mind are the same things good people have in the back of their head. They may not be to an extreme like others and some may not have all the thoughts but there are dark corners in everybody's head. Everyone has that dark spot in their mind.
Was evil taught? The society of humans is evil. Throughout history you see many evil acts. The simplest types of evil come through good people such as judgment. Some may believe evil is taught from experience they have had like child abuse, home troubles, financially unstable, etc. Some people rise from such darkness and some carry it and turn it into anger. I believe someone is evil when they inflict pain on others purposely and feel no remorse.
In my experience my dad's best friend killed him in front of me when I was five years old. As we sat in the courtroom, he had no remorse. No guilt. He was not sorry, and he didn’t care of what his actions had done to many other lives. That is when evil has drowned a human and consumed them but a corrupted human can come about in many different ways.
The perception of a good person is being transposed and rewritten to fit the world's criteria every single day. In what world or utopia could any individual complete an impossible list of honorable deeds to be what the world wants them to be. From the time we can talk we are taught manners. To say please and thank you because it makes you polite and good. From there the list grows. Do the dishes. Get strait A’s. Attend the gay pride parades. Go to the protests for black lives matter. But as we are completing these things, the world changes its mind. Don’t attend the protests because they’ve become riots. All protests are bad. It confuses all of us as a whole. We don’t know what to do to become a decent human being so we act out. We do “evil” acts such as drinking and vaping. Parents get more and more disappointed so the acts of evil keep growing to bigger extents. Evil doesn’t always come from the thoughts of an individual's own brain but the pressure put on them from the peers around and closest.
My hope is that one day, in the midst of all the wrong in the world, everyone can step back and look at the potential we could have if we took only a glance at the good.