Covid-19 is Affecting the Environment

Covid-19 is the virus that originated in China, and has killed many people. One of the few positives of the virus, is it is allowing our world to heal. But with everyone being quarantined in their homes to slow the spread of the virus, nobody is polluting the air and water. Nobody likes COVID-19 but during these tough times we try to find the good things.
The article Jason Hayes, “Some Greens Rejoice Over Environmental Effects of COVID-19 Restrictions,” is about how COVID-19 truly is healing the earth. Hayes writes, “Quarantine measures put in place to slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus have evoked a joyous response from the more extreme elements of the Green movement as they see human influences on the natural environment diminished.” Being able to see the earth cleanse itself while everyone is locked in their homes tells us that people are a problem. A problem as to why our air and water are polluted. Hopefully after everyone is out of quarantine and they see how the earth has healed, they will want to keep letting it heal. Bodies of water that haven’t been clear in decades have suddenly become beautiful clear lakes, which is amazing.
Hayes states, “Air pollution is slowing down, water pollution is clearing up, natural wildlife returning home. Coronavirus is Earth’s vaccine.” When I read, “Coronavirus is Earth’s vaccine,” I thought about how true that is. Vaccines get rid of all the bad things in a person. While the earth is not a person it is still cleaning it out and getting rid of pollution. Now we just have to find a vaccine for people. There has been said that they will find a vaccination in March 2021. So everyone and everything can heal.
I hope things go back to normal soon, so people can see their friends and family. But I want the earth to keep healing, keep becoming more and more beautiful. Our world is dealing with a lot right now, so seeing the good through the bad is what everyone needs.