An Underwater Friend Left Voiceless Left In the Shallow

Orcas are proven to be very highly intelligent animals that portray superior mental health states and internal emotions compared to humans. Orcas captivity at Seaworld has been proven unhealthy and inhumane. SeaWorld has been known as an Orca entertainment dream, but behind the scenes, the Orcas are in brutal captivity and confined in metal enclosures. These intelligent animals should not be contained in an arena and used for unnatural entertainment.
Orcas are suffering from more than just separation from their natural habitat. The longer they are captive the more an Orcas health significantly worsens, they struggle to live half the amount of years in captivity as they do in the wild. Their high intelligence causes mental illness and agony, Orcas become unstable unlike in the wild, they “suffer mental and physical harm after they are plucked from the wild.” Marine biologist Ken Balcomb, who knew Tilikum says he “is basically psychotic,” the reason for his significant mood changes were due to his mentality. Agonizing both physical and psychological issues. The male Orca’s dorsal fin always falls while in captivity, but it’s unlikely to see this in the open ocean, as explained in the documentary Blackfish.
Their emotional connections in their pods create a great difference in a nation of who they are. With each pod containing different “languages” and strong emotional connections to their young and dead, they suffer great deals. As seen in the wild, Orcas “carry the bodies of their dead calves on the water’s surface” expressing their love for their deceased young. Seen at SeaWorld, their ability to learn and be loyal to the ones they can trust is beyond the imagination. The trick, the magic, shows how intelligent they are. The Orcas’ strength and compassion in the wild towards their own, and humans are past the beliefs of many.
In the wild Orcas have the ability to bring happiness, not only to themselves but to the world around them. Engaging with the animals is natural and found safe in the Wild. In the documentary Blackfish, it is explained the Orcas have never killed a human in the wild, but this cannot be told true for captivity.