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Lending A Helping Hand

During this worldwide pandemic, many are ordered to stay at home for the COVID-19 lockdown. With about “90% of Americans” under a stay at home order, it can be hard for those to get the necessities they need. For many elderly, it is very dangerous to go out to the store because they are placed in the high-risk category. Those neighbors kind enough will go out and shop for those older around them. There are a few ways that you can help during the pandemic.

During this time grocery stores have “designated shopping hours for the elderly and vulnerable” but even with this, they should not be leaving their homes. Having a large group of those who are more at risk of getting COVID-19 in stores that could potentially already have the virus inside is not a good way to keep them safe. You can help by finding out what they need and shop for them. This can either be done by ordering online and picking it up or physically taking the trip and going shopping in stores. For example, my family shops for both my grandparents and their neighbors. We have my grandma send us a list of what they need with photos so we get the right brand and go do their shopping. This eliminates them having to leave their house and risk getting the virus.

You can run some errands for them as well. This could be something such as getting them puzzles or anything that could keep them busy. You could also go and pick up any prescriptions they may need and “drop it off at their doorstep” making it so they don’t have to go and get it. These measures will help limit exposure and keep our vulnerable population safe. Also buying stuff online for those who aren't always great with technology and having it delivered to them. Another thing that you can help them with during this time is to stay in touch. When you call, text, or send them a letter, they will feel cared about during this time. As well as staying in touch with them so they don’t feel lonely you can also keep posted on their health. Looking out for their health is a great way to spot the symptoms early. If they are experiencing symptoms advise them to get the help they need. This, in the long run, could help those get the fighting chance they need.


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