Disinfectant Precautions

Today there are over one million viruses according to the Nationwide Health Organization. There are 300,000 people that get sick every year to these viruses and 45% of the people will die from them. Viruses such as Measles, Mumps, Flu, Corona and many more cause the body to shut down against all good blood cells. Each virus can affect a person differently due to their pre-existing health and even their age. Most of the time when people get sick they have a fever and can be contagious to others around them. However, we can do some things to prevent sickness and death within our lifetime.
There are ways we can personally stop germs from spreading. The CDC persuades people to wash their hands because it saves lives and keeps bacteria away. CDC stated, ¨washing your hands can reduce the spread of bacteria¨. There are different kinds of hand soap. Hand pumped soap and sensor dispensers are the best types to use since you do not have to make contact with the actual bottle. Bar soap isn’t recommended, after putting infected hands-on bar soap the bacteria can live up to 4 hours. However, when the soap is applied to your hands there is a layer of protectant that fights the bacteria. In addition to hand washing, there are ways people can disinfect their homes.
We have companies out there that are working on new products for us to use to disinfect. The top two brands people use the most are Clorox and Lysol. The chemicals that are in both of these products kill 99.9% of germs. The main chemicals in these products, when sprayed onto surfaces, will begin to disinfect. Using these types of products will prevent and or help from germs coming into your house product user Amanda states, ¨I disinfect my house regularly, family in our house hardly ever gets sick¨. When using these products it is important that you know how to use them appropriately. With Clorox products, you have to make sure the surface is wet enough for at least 4 minutes, then let it dry. On the other hand, you have Lysol that offers various products with different instructions for use, it is vital that the user reads the product’s directions for use. With the power of the cleaning products, the viruses have no competition and the bacteria are easily wiped away. There is no way to completely avoid coming into contact with bacteria and viruses. However, families can take precautions in protecting their loved ones from various illnesses by following these steps.