The Homeless matter!

Across the world, there are 60,000 people that are living on the streets. The most populated homeless place in the United States is DC, Chicago, Detroit, and California. A lot of people are homeless due to the cost of living in these types of places. California’s home ranges from 500,000 and up. In other cases, people can be homeless due to their own choices. Instead of paying rent and getting food on the table people will spend it on drugs and alcohol. There are people here in Ohio that like to stand on the corner of the streets to get money for drugs. Former resident Arvella Baker states, ¨Every day I see people here in downtown Newark begging for money because of their addiction¨. Even though there are homeless out there for their doings their life still matters. Here in Newark Ohio, we have churches and organizations that take in the homeless such as the salvation Army, Ohio needs help, and Saint valentine Havens. They all provide food and shelter to the poor in Newark Ohio. They are open 24 hours at a time.
For many of the states, there was some really harsh weather this year, that had put the homeless at risk for there health. On December 22, a wildfire started in California and the homeless people were scrambling for places to stay. As the forest went up in flames ash was falling from the sky on their tents catching them on fire. The Los Angeles times states, In addition to the obvious risk of injury, activists say, the fires often destroy what little shelter homeless people have as well as documents needed to apply for housing or other services¨. The fires that were happening were running the homeless chance at a good life. The documents were for there living and proof of their identity. The homeless needed that paperwork in order to be put in shelters for the night.
In the wintertime the over by Detroit area the weather can get to the low of -10 degrees. In January 2019 Detroit broke the record of 1951 with low of-4 to 2019 with low of -15. A lot of homeless people die in the wintertime due to the cold. It doesn’t take much for them to get frostbite. With a temperature below -2 degrees, it only takes 30 minutes for frostbite to set in and hypothermia starts after the temp gets below 50 degrees. There are organizations that help those in need of shelter such as, open homes, Detroit Rescumison, salvation army, American Red Cross and many more. The downfall with these organizations is that they can help everyone. They all have limits on how many people they can hold in a night. We definitely need to get more organizations out there, but it is hard to do that because the number of homeless people that are out there increases daily. Even though there may not be enough for everyone to stay. The salvation Army and other organizations will give out hot meals to the homeless.