Who is Maci Whisner?
Maci Whisner is a three year old little girl from Ohio. When Maci was in the womb, during her mother’s pregnancy, the doctors discovered she only had half a heart. Referred to as hypoplastic left heart syndrome. Maci’s parents, Josh and Karissa Whisner, were told by the doctors to prepare for the worst to come for their little girl but Maci held out through the rest of Karissa’s pregnancy. When born, Josh and Karsissa were reminded again to assume the worst but here Maci is living her life. Then Maci came out fighting and growing up. She learned how to walk, talk, and even learn some forms of sign language. Maci may not have the perfect life for a little girl but she sure is a fighter. At 10 days old, she was transported to Boston to have her first open heart surgery, now she is coming out stronger than ever after her third open heart surgery. Their little girl has amazed more than her family, she has amazed the whole world. As a former nurse, Karissa had started a Facebook page called “Maci’s Mended Heart” to keep friends and family updated at all times. She never was unrealistic in her updates, she wanted people to know the truth and the struggles. Little did she know everyone around the world would be following and interested in their daily lives. Maci’s facebook group has over a whopping 81,000 likes (followers). Maci just returned home to Ohio in the last week after her third open heart surgery and our school decided to dedicate a day to her strong fight for life.
January 31st, 2020
With Maci’s strong fight our community wanted to show our support in some way. Licking Valley’s Renaissance dedicated Friday January 31st as “Red for Maci Day”, and the outcome was heartwarming. Everyone from the elementary, middle, and to the high school, and even a local preschool, were in full support for this little girl. The theme for that day was to wear red to show our support for Maci. The channel 10 news ended up coming to give a quick story about Maci and her effect on our community. Even that night the boys basketball team dedicated the student section theme to be “wear red for Maci”. This day was to show the communities love for Maci Whisner and that she’s not in this fight alone.