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Life is Short, Embrace It.

According to the American Foundation of Suicide Prevention, in 2017, there were 47,173 suicides, 1,400,000 suicide attempts, and an average of 129 suicides a day. Males accounted for 69.67% of the suicides, but adult females attempted suicide about 1.4 times as often as males.There were 50.57% of suicides that included firearms. The second most common form of suicide was suffocation at 27.7%. The average age with the highest suicide rate is 45-54 years old, but on the other hand, 7.4 percent of high school students reported that they had attempted suicde at least once within a year. Female students reported 2 times to attempt more than male students. For every one death from suicide there are 25 attempts.

If you ever need to help someone else out with suicide here are so tips I request. If you ever think someone is thinking of committing, you should try and talk to them. Try and get them to talk about what is bothering them and be polite about it. Be very open and encouraging. Don’t be afraid to say the word suicide. It actually makes it worse on the person. If you don’t know what to say to the person, its okay. Just take your time to think thoroughly about what you are going to say. Suicidal thoughts aren’t always about the person wanting to die, they could just think that they have nothing to offer and they have nothing left in there life, so they would think it would be easier on everyone around them. Usually when someone is having suicidal thoughts is when they are alone. They feel very alone and just need some reassurance about their place.

Survivors of suicide attempts have a hard time adjusting back into life. Jillian Shih is a suicide survivor. Shih is a 23-year-old college student living in Boston. Shih tells Today was sexually assaulted by a boyfriend. During this time, Shih, had been suffering from an eating disorder. The day after she was assaulted, she texted the suicide hotline, but she said it didn’t help her. She tried to overdose in her campus apartment. She was later found by campus officials and was rushed to the hospital. While in the hospital, she thought of more ways she would be able to kill herself. Shih was hurting so much that she thought he had nothing left in life. She said she was desperate and needed a way out of it. Shih is now on various medications to help her with nutrition and her mental illness. After trying, Shih has found it hard to not be envious of her friends and how easy their lives are.

If you need help with suicide call 1 800-273-8255. The suicide prevention hotline is open 24/7.


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