Human Trafficking

For the last 3 years, the United States has been ranked number 1 for most human trafficking. In the United States, Ohio is ranked number 3 out of all of the states. Over the years, Ohio has been getting a lot worse and it is spreading more throughout central Ohio. Researchers say that the traffickers are interested girls from ages 13 and up, boys 11 and up. There have been so many reports all over Ohio from witnesses and a lot of the reports people are being spotted being picked up from bus stops, parks, stores, and other public places. When it comes to people abducting children it's very easy for them to get lured and abducted. Human trafficking is where people are being picked up by strangers then being sold for sex and they basically profit from a human being. Easton mall is one of the highest rates of trafficking. A lot of kids like to go there to have fun with their friends. They are having so much fun they don't realize that Joe over there in the corner has been watching them for the last 45 minutes and taking pictures. Soon one will go to the bathroom alone and they will never see their friends again. These people also like to make attacks on women who are alone. In the papers nowadays you see women being abducted while broke down on the side of the road or even going to the grocery store. Every day the rates of human trafficking go up, on an average day there is anywhere from 150 to 1,000 phone calls to human trafficking support providers.
Human trafficking has been ignored for a long time people didn’t really weren’t comfortable talking about the unknown. In the early 2000’s sex trafficking because illegal in the united states. Due to it not being taken care of for so long, some didn't get justice, it spread further and a lot of people have a lot of health issues because of people being exposed to it.