Is Teen Drinking and Driving Getting Worse?

Teenage drinking is more common that you might think. Teen drinking and driving has been around for many years. Every month more than 2.4 million teens drink and drive. It’s scary to think about because every time a teen is on the road intoxicated they could end their life, or others. When they do drink and drive they are 17% more likely to get into a car crash. Within the last 4 years, the rate of teens drinking and driving has gone up about 4%. Which may not seem like a lot, but it is getting worse.
Teenagers know that drinking under the age of 21 is illegal, but is that going to stop them? No. They are going to keep participating, because if their friends are doing, it they want to be “cool” too. I’m not saying all teenagers drink. But the ones who do usually do it under peer pressure or to fit in. If they do end up drinking they need to understand to stay away from their vehicles. They don’t need to put themselves in danger.
Yes, they may have made a mistake by drinking in the first place. But putting themselves in a situation to lose their own life is an even bigger consequence. People need to watch out for one another, watching your friend drive away intoxicated is not a good idea. It’s scary to think about one of your friends driving while intoxicated, but think about the parents of that teenager. They don’t want to get the phone call that states their child had been involved in a car crash because their child was drinking and driving. Their friends and siblings don’t want to realize that they would never see them again.
Teenagers need to understand that their parents would much rather you call them and have them come get you, than you drive while under the influence. They might be upset that you were drinking but they would be even more upset if you drove under the influence and put yourself in danger.
Teen drinking and driving is could get worse if people don’t help teenagers understand the consequences. Teenagers need to know they have someone that they can call to pick them up. They need someone they can trust. Because drinking and driving is not a good option. It could end the lives of a loved one, friend, or an innocent person.,with%20alcohol%20in%20their%20system.