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Value Earth

Earth has been alive for over 4 trillion years. Its is very important that we clean up our earth. It is something we value everyday of our lives. It provides us with warmth, food, water, Oxygen and different kinds of species. We need to take earth into our own hands, even if it's just picking up trash here and there in the future it will have a positive effect on us.

America Situation

The United States has a higher rate of trash is because we waste a lot more food than we did back in the past. The earth can use most of the nutrients from the stuff thrown out but all trash that isn't consumed by earth it just sits in landfills and most of the restaurants and businesses in the city throw their trash out in the streets. After all this trash builds up somewhere whether it's in our yards, on the street, in landfills, and or in oceans, It will always come back to us. This also creates a health concern to people that live in urban areas. All the trash left behind causes pollution in the air,it can affect breathing and the increase of germs in the air. So this will cause a lot of people to get sick.

Here in the United States we have organizations that are dedicated to the earth. Such as America Rivers, Environmental defense Foundation, Nature Conservatory, and more. We do get a lot of people that help out with the earth but not enough. Everyday there are people dying from disease and animals dying from trash. Only we can fix the messes we make on earth. We actually hurt the earth more that save the earth. A lot of organizations have a signup to spend the day cleaning up the earth. But really is one day enough? The answer is no by the time we clean the earth up in one day, 2 times more trash is added on the streets and in the waters. We can prevent it if we work together, you can save the world if you do a little.

Japan Downfall

In Japan they have a lot of pollution and trash all along the side of roads and in alleys. They are affected a lot by the choices they make. In japan they have to wear a mask to prevent from getting sick due to the pollution that is around them. The reason the pollution is so high is because a lot of the people there live on the streets there are a lot of buildings that put carbon monoxide in air. Even the population rate there are 126.8 million people all clusters in a small city. The people in japan wouldn't have this problem if they would clean up and have some kind of trash and recycle system that is known, Like we do in America.

Top 5 this you can do to help the earth!

1.Trash & Recycle- If you don't already have a recycling bin at home go to you colcal store and get a ben for plastic and paper. One for your cans, this will help reduce the trash at landfills and this will guarantee the items that are all reused are all naturally maid no chemicals.

2. Don't waste much- When you go to make an appeal to make sure you get what you know you can eat not what you think. People in the united states waste of food and as the years go on it builds up. The earth takes a while to decompose all that food and organic things in landfills. To much food/trash can make it harder to decompose it.

3. Don't burn trash- Burning trash is very bad for the environment, It causes the press to die faster. It also can cause people to get sick. If you burn trash your putting a lot of bad chemicals from all food and other items that may be in there up in the air.

4.Clean up earth- If your out taking a walk or in you yard and come along some trash pick it up. Later you will see that you picking up a little everyday it will help you in the long run.

5. Health- When you see trash on the streets think about your health. Think about your loved ones,Have you thought about why people get sick so often it could be the pollution we are putting into the air due to use not cleaning up the earth.

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