World at diversity

In today's world they put a label on us people. In society we put people in categories or stereotype others. People are so tied down on what is right and wrong. It shouldn't matter if your upper class, gay, straight, poor, black, white. Being against something is going to help the problems.We are all humans when labeling people it puts a major impact on the person and the world. Everyone should be able to live there life the way they want. Society should be diverse.
From 1950-200 there has been conflict with race. We had a movement from one of the strongest men in the world. He marched and lead thousands of people in Washington for their rights. That was Martin Luther King Jr., he changed the lives of people all around the world. Also Rosa Parks stood up for her rights and has influenced many people. They both made an impact in race and how people treat each others with respect to race and ethnicity.
Around the 19th century homosexuality was looked at as a sin. In 1976 there was an outbreak called Stonewall Riot this caused a lot of violence to the people in the LGTBQ community. Stonewall had displayed there rights on window and it got a lot of negative actions. Fast Forward today we deal with it here back in 2016 where a club, known for homosexual clients, was attacked.
Today in school we have a lot of stereotypes,a lot of them will affect another. There are kids in our school that are stressed out trying to fit in. The ones who don't fit in are the ones looked down on. The way we have grown up and what we were taught has made it this way. If the world keeps going at this rate,no progress will be made. But at the same time the more that happens the more people jump on to preventing it. For instance, teaching kids to respect and listen to others is important. There is no escaping this generation, but there we can help it by having open minds.