LVHS Capstone Research: Effort

Over the past few weeks I have been doing research at LVHS about the effort of students and teachers. The results were very conflicting, there was a lot teachers aren't doing this and students aren't doing this.Out of the info gathered my partner, JT and I swapped our feedback from teachers and students. We then made a pamphlet to hand out to students and teachers. The students received the teachers’ feedback about what their wishes were with students.
The problem in the school is that not everyone is giving their all. The effort we see with the teachers is that they are getting off topic a lot more than they are supposed to and this affects the students. This causes the students to get behind on work. The reasoning behind teachers not staying up to date/ on topic is because most teachers have up to 7 teaching classes and only one prep. In this situation, teachers don't have enough time to prepare for classes. We could drop a period for some of the teachers, but the electives students are aloud to pick from will go away. This will then create conflict with the students, they will only be allowed to pick from a small amount of classes. Also the classes would be a lot bigger.
We all need to understand not one is going to be perfect in school. There is going to be conflict in effort but the way we overcome it is understanding one another. We know that teachers want students to participate and give everything. We know students want teachers to be more understanding of certain criteria of school.
Examples: “I need teachers to understand that we have sports and work we do outside of school”-Students
“I don't learn well when teachers are lecturing”-Students
“Get work done before class”-teachers
A way to help things run smoother in school is communication and being more understanding of certain situations. We need to have one on one with students and teachers. Maybe have more group discussions that we can bounce ideas back and forth. Teachers to send out surveys and get feedback on problems we both can work on. That's where communication takes place. We can't fix a problem if no one is speaking up and telling teachers or students how they feel. The purpose of the school is to have fun and be happy. How can we do this if we aren't putting everything into what we want?