Why Every High School Should Have a Therapy Dog

What is a Therapy Dog?
Therapy dogs are special dogs who are trained to give love and attention if someone is going through a hard time. They relieve stress and emotions from people going through a rough patch in there life. The dogs can also have a great impact in the classroom with the benefits they provide.
How Would Students Benefit From This?
Students would have many types of benefits from having a therapy dog in their school. High school students have a lot of stress put on them from all of their school work and extra after school curriculars. Having a therapy dog could also help encourage kids not to skip school because they have something to look forward to seeing when they arrive. Many high school students struggle from anxiety and depression or life might just be rough at some time. Having a dog around can calm the students and get their minds off of that bad place.
Why Licking Valley Would Benefit From Having a Therapy Dog
Licking Valley has had many losses in the past few years and having a dog around would help with their grieving process. A therapy dog is also known for motivating students which is another positive. As some students are not very motivated to do their work or finish it at all, this could help with that problem. Lots of students don’t want to come to school but are forced to because it is somewhere they need to be and instead of being bummed coming to school they could have more excitement. If the Licking Valley elementary school has their own dog then the rest of the Valley schools should too. The elementary students and teachers have had a great time with there dog and it has made going to school more exciting. It also excites the kids every time they get to see the dog. Having a dog in the other buildings, teenagers and teachers would most likely have the same reaction. It will help deal with there stress and worries. I think it would be a good idea for all of the Licking Valley schools to have a therapy dog because it could impact many students.