In the Footsteps

Football has been loved by so many in the Panther community for many years, and that tradition will never end. There’s been good years and bad years, and even in between. The past football season of 2018 was known to be an excellent football year. With players working hard over the hot summer, and prepared for all the hard battles, so that the Panthers were ready. The Panthers made it all the way to week 14, the semi finals. When they suffered a tough loss against Girard, losing in the last 1:30 of the game. After losing the game and losing at least 11 seniors, the 2019 football players have big shoes to fill and ground to cover. This week is the first football Friday night lights against Sheridan.
I've talked to various amounts of football players and people and that believe that this season will be successful. I talked to Clayton Orr, a Junior his first year of playing football, he claimed that he will not be playing in the first game due to a suspension from a previous spring sport, but once he’s back and able to play. He’s overly excited for the upcoming season. He’s also ready to cheer on all the football players this week for the first football friday night. I also talked to Bodee Creech, who is also a Junior this year, he claimed that after going to the semi-finals and having a huge heartbreaking loss, he’s even more determined to take the team even farther this year. Bodee also stated that he will deeply miss all of the graduated seniors that he made all the memories with, but he said it’s his turn to make them proud and that Sheridan better be ready!
The week before Friday night couldn’t have been more anticipating, but once the day came, everyone was ready. There’s just something about Valley school spirit for football that makes everything so much fun. The theme for the student section was neon, so Valley kids prepared to make an appearance. Everyone was nervous, from the football players, parents, and even students in the student section. Once kickoff came around it was go time for the Panthers.
The Panther football team never seems to disappoint or give up. The score of the game ended up being 21-7 with a Panther victory. After having such a great win, the Panthers are preparing for “The game of the year,” next week against the Heath Bulldogs. Stay tuned how the Panthers come out to play next week.