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Senior Spotlight: Wyatt Lewis

What is it like to finally reach the end of High School and know that you’re at the final stretch? I understand how it is for me personally, but how is it for other seniors? Are they afraid, nervous, excited? To know this I asked a fellow senior some questions to get his perspective on just how he is feeling at this point of the year.

The senior that I interviewed was a good friend of mine, Wyatt Lewis. Wyatt and I went to Mary Ann elementary before Licking Valley built their elementary building and we both were in kindergarten together. At the time we were best friends and spent as time as we could together. But of course, things like that don’t last forever and we split paths, following certain interests but we still stayed good friends in the process. The first question that I ran across Wyatt was how he was doing in the final days in High school, and if he felt any stress along with it. Wyatt went on to say, “I want to get out of it, and I’ve got my plan for college so nothing really to stress about at the moment”. I understood where he was coming from and then asked him what was his favorite memory that he made throughout his four years at Valley. He continued with, “Definitely anything with my friends, marching band, and the bowling team are things I’ll miss”. When going on about what he’ll miss the most, he said silently, “the people for sure”.

When asking Wyatt what his plans after High school were, he lit up and seemed eager to answer. He replied happily with, “I am attending Shawnee State University”. He also said he was excited to see where he ends up in the end. I can agree with this because things can change and nothing is certain. It’s nice to talk to people I’ve known as children and ask them things about when we were kids. It’s nice to go back on those memories and re-live them cause after these years at High school these people you’ve known, you don’t see them that often anymore. It’s nice to enjoy the time with them while we are still here in the moment.


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