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Senior Spotlight: Emily McHugh

Senior year is the best year because the next chapter of your life is just about to start. I interviewed Emily McHugh on how her senior year went and questions about her high school career. I asked her how her final days of high school are going and if she’s stressed and on a scale of 1-5 how ready is she to graduate. She replied immediately with, “horrible, kinda stressed and 5, so ready!” Aren’t all the seniors feeling this type of way, I mean we’ve been here for four years but it feels as if it’s been an eternity.

Everyone has a favorite memory from high school. Mine has to be at the lunch table when all of my friends would say funny things or things so dumb all we would do is laugh. Emily’s favorite memory is cheering all four years of high school. Lunch is such a fine time because you're hanging with your friends while eating food that probably shouldn't be consumed. Burrito bar is my favorite lunch, it’s Emily's too!

After high school we all take our different paths in life, Emily said what she’ll miss most about high school is seeing all of her friends everyday. I couldn’t agree more! Getting through the day can be hard without your essentials! Phone, snacks, and a water is what helps keep Emily going strong through the long hard school days. Wishing high school away is what I’ve been wishing for since freshman year. A piece of advice Emily said to give the underclassmen is, “live in the moment and don’t wish it away.” High school is supposed to be the greatest time of your life, after high school we all really got to be fully grown adults, scary to think about.

Everyone has their own type of plans after high school, Emily's plan is to go to Ashland University to continue her cheer career. Me and Emily have the same goals after high school and that's to carry on our dreams of playing a sport we love and cheering for the sport we love. I’m continuing my basketball career at Marietta University, living out your dreams into college can open many doors into what he or she is thinking about doing for the rest of their lives. Going to a college can be scary because nobody really knows anyone, Emily hopes to make new friends and have more responsibilities. I hope the same for me also, adulthood is right at our fingertips so let's grab the bull by the horns and hope for an amazing college future and adulthood!


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