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“My name is Ed Warren and this is my creepy doll”

Since 2013 we’ve been introduced to a whole different world of the paranormal, times have changed since the early 1900’s and Ed and Lorraine Warren have given us some of the greatest paranormal insight to ever be recorded. Since the 1950’s Ed and Lorraine Warren have taken their theories of paranormal activity and made it into a reality. They’ve been on several cases including ones like Annabelle, and their lives have made a major impact on what we view as a ghostly encounter today. Over 40 years of their lives were spent on multiple cases mainly connected to demonology. Both of them were highly educated when it came to the afterworld and dominic/paranormal activities. Demons are one thing that they’ve handled multiple times in the movies. The Nun, Perron family, and Annabelle are all seen in the movies. But truth be told some of these story’s aren’t finished yet.

Coming up this summer the new release of Annabelle comes home is set for June 28th. Many people are excited to see what this film has to offer especially with it being the 7th movie in The Conjuring franchise. Also making it the third Annabelle since 2014. Many movies have lead up to this one outside of the Annabelle franchise. The Conjuring is caused this branch off to happen as seen in the first film when the doll was given to the Warren family by a couple of college roommates. The backstory is weird, the first Annabelle actually takes place after the second and The Conjuring is based after both of them. But wait there's more, The Conjuring was the first movie to release in the series as Annabelle was the second then the release of Conjuring 2. After all of this Annabelle Creations is made but actually takes place before all of this.

Up to this point the films all connect in some way, nothing is left alone with its own backstory. It’s a franchise, everything comes together. Since the release of the first conjuring there have been six movies released in the franchise. Three more are coming out within the next couple of years. Conjuring three is set to release in 2020 and a spin off of Conjuring 2 called The Crooked-Man is in the making right now. The franchise is still strong and has a lot of work to do to keep it running.

One person that sticks out the most about these film’s is the member casted to play Ed. Patrick Wilson has been in many movies pertaining to the paranormal. The Insidious franchise is what he’s most known for and now the new hit Aquaman. Patrick Wilson is a big fan of his own. When being asked if he thought there would be a sequel to The Conjuring he replied with: “ I did. I felt like, if we got it right, there would be a sequel. Structurally, I felt like this was a different beast. You’re not following the same people. Within the genre of horror, whenever there have been franchises, it’s all been from the villain's point of view, like with Halloween, Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street and Saw.” (Radish 3).

He’s done some of his best work on the paranormal side of movies. Insidious was a big deal when it came out and nothing was compared to it at the time. The growth of Insidious is amazing and has been one of the best franchises ever released. People are saying there may even be a fifth one coming out within the next couple years.

The Conjuring franchise is real, well most of it. The stories are some of the best stories told by Ed and Lorraine. These are some of things that most people would want to keep secret but the Warrens wanted this to get out to show the people that the world isn’t all sunshine and rainbows. But some people don’t believe that this is true, some believe that the Warrens made it up to get publicity, others think it was to make a name that would stick to headlines. But stories are meant to be told and some of these story deserved to get out there and show the world that there are such things like this.

Stories are one thing that sticks in the world. The knowledge behind them and the concept and creativity that took place to build a story that could be remembered for centuries. The Conjuring franchise sticks to the ribs, fact or fiction it doesn’t matter, this is going down as one of the best franchises to ever release on the big scene. Just wait, within the next two years there are at least three separate movies coming out that all connect to the story that has already been told. The conjuring has a lot of tricks up its sleeves for a good while. Lets just say, enjoy the movie!


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