What's in your drink?

There are hundreds of drinks to choose from to help you get through the day. Some people need coffee, others drink energy drinks like Monster or Redbull to function. There are even coffee flavored Monster drinks called Java Monsters. There are healthier alternatives some people drink like tea or sparkling water by Ice and Bubbly.
Coffee is around 95 mg of caffeine, no sugar and 1 calorie per one cup (8 fl oz).
A Monster is about 101 calories, 27g of sugar and 86 mg of caffeine the Java Monster has the same nutrition info as the original Monster.
A Red bull has 168 calories, 37 g of sugar and 111 mg of caffeine.
1 cup of tea has about 2 calories, no sugar and 26 mg of caffeine.
There are 0 calories in an ICE sparkling waters, no sugar and the drinks are caffeine free.
Bubbly sparkling water has no calories, no caffeine, and no added sugar.
Pop is around 138 calories, 29 mg of caffeine and 33 g of sugar.
ICE sparkling water and the bubbly are the healthiest while Monster and Redbull are the unhealthiest. No matter what drink you chose to get you through the day it doesn't hurt to try a healthier option.