Lost in Time

North Sentinel Island located in the Bay of Bengal off the Eastern Coast of India is home to the Sentinelese which is a tribe of Indians who quite honestly are living like humans did tens of thousands of years ago. Considered to be one of the world's last uncontacted people, they have refused any interaction with the outside world and express extremely hostile behavior towards anyone who wishes to visit them. Unfortunately, John Allen Chau an American Missionary ignored the warnings and allowed his curiosity to get the best of him. At 26 years old Mr. Chau was found dead by the fishermen who illegally dropped him off the day before. The Fishermen reported that they “saw the tribesmen dragging Chau’s body” along the beach when they returned.
According to multiple media outlets as well as the police John Chau had received multiple warnings to stay away from the island which had already been deemed illegal to travel to since the The Andaman and Nicobar Islands Protection of Aboriginal Tribes Act of 1956 was implemented. The reasoning behind this Protection Act is to allow this tribe and others similar to them to be able to continue their lives peacefully and more importantly safely. Isolated tribes like these have extremely weak immune systems because they have pretty much zero contact with the outside world which means that something like the common cold could wipe out the entire population on the island. Many say that Mr. Chau was obsessed with the tribe and had lost his mind. John Ramsey, a close friend of John’s stated that “he (John) shared a keen interest in researching and knowing more about them”, "It must have struck a chord.” It was also documented that ever since Chau was in highschool he talked about taking a trip to the island and that that was his main goal in life. Police in the area now believe that Chau previously visited the surrounding waters of the island to figure out the patterns of the military patrol and determine his best plan of entry without being caught.
In conclusion North Sentinel Island and its inhabitants emit a fascinating story that can lure in adventurous and curious travelers only to have their fate left in the hands of the Sentinelese people and more likely than not the result will be death.