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Self-Care is Rare

Do you ever feel worn down and not have a single reason why? This tiredness could be the lack of self-care you are receiving. Self-care should not be rare, but it is. The ultimate question we can find ourselves asking is, “Am I really worth it?” “Do I deserve this?” On a day to day basis, our bodies and minds strive for greatness. In the end, if you think about it, all you really have is yourself. With this being said, since you are your own person, you need to take care of you.

Self-care is a term used for anyone to do anything good for themselves. It is about being kind to yourself just like being kind to others. Taking time to care for yourself can show your needs are important too. It can be said those who neglect their needs are more likely to be unhappy. Though, self-pampering does not always lead to major improvements. It is always best to try to improve your lifestyle instead of neglecting the important aspects of self-care. Carving out time to take care of yourself can help you become a better caretaker. The alone time which is experienced during this time can allow you to reflect on your own feelings.

There are different strategies of self-care available to everyone such as:

  • Bubble bath

  • Face Mask

  • Tend to Nails

  • Spa day

  • Healthy diet

  • Regular Exercise

  • Meditation

  • Mindfulness

These strategies are targeted towards relaxing the mind and body. A couple times a week even I go ahead and try out these strategies when I am feeling down. Bubble baths are top in my list, the feeling of hot water after a long day at work/school allow your muscles to get the break they deserve. Sometimes, I may even add a face mask to allow my skin to be refreshed for the rest of the night. Nothing is better than being clean.

My mom every few weeks pampers herself to getting her nails done. To her, getting her nails done allows her to feel like a “new woman.” Going somewhere to get your nails done other than doing them yourself makes you feel luxurious. Having someone else tend to your nails allows you to release the worry of messing them up. I have been talking to Mrs. Adkins recently about self-care. A few weeks ago I came into school with a fresh set of acrylic nails for homecoming. This only reminded her how she wants to get her nails done again. After fifteen years without going to a nail salon, she has finally decided she is going to start going again. Our teachers and role models around us need to take care of themselves too, especially those adults in professions that care for one another. Every person has the right to take care of themselves without feeling guilty.

There are benefits to self-care:

  • Better productivity

  • Improved resistance to disease

  • Enhanced Self-Esteem

  • Increased self-knowledge

  • More to give

There are different categories of self-care, not all ideas of self-care lie underneath one specific type. There are different versions of self-care that target different types of people, not everyone is wanting to experience the same self-care as others. These different types of self-care target different aspects of the body.

Types of Self-Care:

  • Sensory: calming of the mind

  • Cuddling under soft blanket

  • Watching flames of fire or candle

  • Holding an animal in arms

  • Emotional: fully engaging the emotions

  • Daily journaling

  • Writing list of “feeling words”

  • Letting yourself cry

  • Spiritual: getting intouch with your values and what matters the most

  • Daily meditation

  • Reading poetry

  • Repeating affirmations that ground sense of self and purpose.

  • Physical: bodily welling-being and letting off steam.

  • Doing yoga

  • Running (maybe invite a friend!)

  • Dancing to your favorite song

  • Social: connecting with others

  • Making a lunch/dinner date with a friend

  • Reaching out to someone who you may not have seen in a while

  • Joining a group of people who share similar interests

The idea of self-care may seem more applicable for women. However, men and women both need self-care. Everyone needs to take care of themselves in order to reduce stress.

Remember: your body and mind needs taken care of too. Constantly worrying about other people can cause you to neglect on your own health. Your health is just as important and maybe even more important. In the end, you are here for yourself. Taking care of yourself should be number one priority.


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