Fusion- Will it Replace Oil?

Fusion is when two atoms become fused together. Fusion is the opposite of fission which is when you split two atoms, this can be found in atomic bombs, fission produces energy but not as much as fusion. If fission creates lots of energy, then fusion creates lots and lots and lots of energy. A prime example of fusion is on the sun, and other stars also use fusion, it’s what powers them. One of the elements that could be fused is Hydrogen. It’s terribly abundant all over the earth and even space, which means it’s plentiful. In order to replicate fusion, gasses need to be heated to extremely high temperatures, around 150 million degrees Celsius. Then the atoms will become completely ionised, which means they’re removing electrons. The easiest reaction to obtain is between two hydrogen isotopes.
Fusion is one of the best options to help sustain earth. One kilogram of fusion fuel can provide the same amount of energy as 10 million kilograms of fossil fuel. The entire planet’s electricity production could become carbon neutral. Fusion could also change space travel as we know it. Rockets fueled with fusion could take us to Mars in one month’s time, which compared to the estimated 6 month time, is pretty spectacular. Fusion is also a limitless fuel, seawater is easily obtainable, as well as hydrogen. Which makes fusion fuel virtually dirt cheap. By the middle of the century, fusion should be a viable energy option, it should be an equitable way of sustainable global energy needs. That’s mid century, though, as of right now, there is no technology for a small, compact nuclear fusion reactor. Controlling fusion has been an engineering nightmare, containing the reaction has also proven to be elusive.
So, why should people care? It’s almost 100% likely that in young adults and teenagers lifetimes, we will see nuclear fusion as a global energy source. I believe that many teenagers and young adults are worried about the future of our planet that has been abused in the past couple decades. Well, now’s the time to take action, if it’s something someone’s interested in, they should pursue a career or education in molecular science. Help preserve a good future for our planet.
In conclusion, fusion is the best viable option for our planet. Fusion will replace almost all other energy forms and prove to save the climate. Imagine the possibilities for space travel and new technology, it’s only a matter of time.