The Valley Community

Licking Valley recently and in the past have dealt with many tragedies. What I’m here to talk about is how everyone comes together to support one another, and mainly the family that was affected. Everyone finds different and unique way to raise money and support whoever is dealing with tragedy. Many examples have to do with deaths and sickness of graduates from Valley.
One personal example was when I was in about 4-5th grade my brothers best friend Griffin Hayden was diagnosed with Leukemia. Everything was super rough for our family and everyone else Griffin had impacted. Griffin played hockey, the hockey and Valley community really came together to show their support and to fight with him. Also during this time Lane Sheets and Shawn Bell had been diagnosed with different cancers too. Our school made overwhelming amounts of t-shirts and necklaces to raise money for those families.
The Valley community can be described as no other, because of all the love and support. Saldy in the past few years our community have lost too many loved ones, for several reasons. At Valley we grieve but then we continue to celebrate those lives that have been lost, we turn a negative impact to a positive. The amount of love and support shown our school is unreal. There’s not one person that’s never willing to not do anything for another.
My opinion on our community is so wordingly strong. It mainly leaves me speechless. There’s no other school and community I’d rather be apart of. Yes there’s other schools with amazing support of their students, but at Valley you just get this feeling walking into the doors. Once you’re a panther, you’re always a panther.