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The Challenges of Driving Responsibly

Most teenagers don’t realize how dangerous driving can be and especially newly licensed teenagers. Most people don’t think about crashes until there actually in one. When you drive you should always be aware of your surroundings but that’s not always the case. Unfortunately, people take risks every time they are in a vehicle and safety is not guaranteed. The most common issues for teens are texting and driving, drinking and driving or even just speeding a little bit. Most teenagers are glued to their phone and never put it down, this distraction can cause serious danger to yourself and others.

On average about “2,333 teens in the United States ages 16-19 were killed and 235,845 were treated in emergency department..”. About 6 teens ages 16-19 die everyday from motor vehicle accidents. It’s not a secret that teens want to get there hands on a pair of keys and drive off with no hesitation. But this can lead to serious problems because they don’t always think before they drive and that’s where they go wrong. According to a legal sources website, “lack of driving experience, passenger distraction, or drug or alcohol influence.” Many teens know of people who have put something in their body to impair their driving, and unfortunately have found themselves behind the wheel.

1 out of 4 people die from texting and driving. Reach says, “660,000 people are attempting to use their phones behind the wheel of an automobile.” Any group age knows that when driving and hearing your phone ding or vibrate you’re very tempted to grab your phone only just to check it, thinking that it’s not putting you in the wrong. False, even checking your phone causes you to distract yourself from the road so even just to check and not even get on your phone is wrong. Statistics say, “texting while driving is 6x more likely to cause an accident than drunk driving.”

Car crashes can be very damaging even if everyone is left alive. Car crashes cause loss of money, time and even lives. I was a victim in a car accident, luckily everyone made it out alive. Although I wasn’t the one driving it did teach me many things about driving. Even when you’re driving carefully car accidents can happen.

On May 26th, 2018 it was graduation day at Licking Valley High School. We were headed out to pick up a sash for my sisters friends graduation, we were on Reform road and nobody really knew the road. In the back seat sat Shalynn and Lexi, in the front drivers seat was Kimberly and passenger seat was me. Since nor me or Kimberly knew the road split off the way it did we had no idea we didn’t have the right away, also there was no signs indicating there was a off turn. While we were driving to go “left” but it was a straight road we saw nobody was coming and double checked to make sure, we heading to go and out of nowhere there's a car coming our way not slowing down at all. We had tried to stop so hard because he didn’t the brakes went out of the car and BOOM we got slammed.

All in all getting in a car accident made me very careful about everything I do, such as; driving with other people I get very anxious/nervous. Even driving myself gets me very worked up because car accidents always happen but you never know its going to be you and that’s what makes it a little more scary when you think about it. Be careful how you drive and watch what you do.


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