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Suicide is a Problem

There are over one million suicides every year world wide. Every 40 seconds there is a death somewhere in the world. Suicide is the second leading cause of death. It's sad to think that there are brothers, sisters , moms and dads out there killing themselves because of depression, sadness, and the feeling of being alone, there are also people out there that are accidentally killing themselves. This is where someone attempts to commit suicide but they back out and it’s already too late. Suicide is a high risk in teenage to adult years, 13- 59.

We can make a change in the world and prevent this from happening. If you were to come across someone who is by themselves and they look sad, be a friend. We never know what goes through one's mind. There are also signs to look for. If you know someone that is battling depression or having thoughts, the best thing to do is be there for them, get help. Encourage family, friends, siblings batting with these thoughts to seek help. Also, doctors give patients with suicidal thoughts medication,although, Medicine isn’t always the solution. Counselling can help with suicidal thoughts.There are many things that can drive someone to have these thoughts. Bullying is cruel, it can make one feel worthless and also one can feel they are not appreciated in this world. Social media, is also very brutal when it comes to suicide. The media has been proven to be influenced in suicide behavior. Recently scientists have found that most of the cases in 2015-2018 have been greatly influenced by social media.

It's very devastating seeing places dedicated to suicide. Mount Fuji is one of the most visited places for suicide. Mount Fuji is also known as suicide forest. There are over 4,000 bodies laying in the mountains of Mount Fuji. People go there to have a choice of life and death. Also there is the Golden Gate Bridge. Kevin Hiles was 19 when he jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge. God was there that day Kevin stated, I Jumped as and I was going down, I immediately regretted it, I wanted to live”. He hit the water at about 75 mph head first. There is a way to find hope and faith with yourself.

There are innocent lives being lost every 40 seconds. Why do we have to live in such a cruel world where people are getting bullied, humiliated and finding a way out of the hell they’re in is by killing themselves? But we can be the change for people. Put yourself out there as a friend. Be the change in the world that helps save lives.


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