Freshman Fears

You’re a freshman in highschool. It is your first time to ever experience all school class changes, accessible vending machines, Freshmen Foundations and last but not least, all of your fears of high school crashing down on you all at once. High school can be a very daunting time for some students while others are bouncing off the walls, excited to start the next chapter of their life.
I interviewed four freshmen students at Licking Valley High School and asked each of them what their biggest fear coming into high school was. Delaney Cline stated that she “was afraid of the workload but it’s not too bad,” though she is still conscious that is will most likely increase over the years. Joe Perkins was afraid of “how hard” high school classes were going to be but stated, “it’s super easy, big bet on 4’s.” Joe and Delany obviously had similar ideas when it came to their fears but the outlook into the future seems quite different. Ben Little has said that that he “likes these classes better than in middle school because of the different choices.”
These freshmen went from being the kings and queens of the middle school to just ‘stupid freshmen’ as Jarrod Hufford put it. Becoming a freshman is quite scary considering there are massive seniors, like Jarrod Hufford for example, that tower over everyone. However the quaking fear that freshmen once obtain, we are about a quarter of the way into the school year and their fears seem to have subsided. The freshmen that I interviewed now seem to believe that high school isn’t all that bad.