Should Teachers and Adminstrators be Armed?

Should schools be armed? One way this could impact US as students and teachers is that we would all feel safe at all times. Another way this could impact is if a teacher has a gun as a police officer walks in he would technically shoot that person/teacher with the gun, because whoever has the gun is going to be suspected as the one shooting it. So this would also impact the teachers because that’s there life at risk.
The article written by Vox “The case against arming teachers” speaks on how teachers having a gun would “greatly cause more problems because we already have a big gun circulation.” So having teachers armed would lead to a bigger rate in gun circulation. I feel that as if every school should have a highly trained police officer in the school so that there's only one person in the building that has a gun that’s highly trained and a “elder”. Also this wouldn’t make the gun rate increase. If a police officer walks in and it’s just another officer he wouldn’t have a high risk of getting shot as a teacher would because he has uniform on.
On the other hand an article written in the Education Week states “trained staff should be allowed to carry concealed weapons or have access to concealed weapons on campus.” I think this is a good idea to an extent, this is because some schools already have a trained officer in there school building and feels as if they were “never unsafe”. But is saying that you never feel unsafe a safe thing to say?