Searching Movie Review

It’s a rainy Sunday and you’ve got nothing to do, so you hop onto the lovely internet and Google up the closest movie theatre in hope there is a good showing. But to no avail, you wouldn’t waste even the dullest of Sunday’s on the nonsense they slap onto the big screen. I was in this exact position on an incredibly gloomy Sunday until I scrolled along to find what could be a decent movie. The trailer picture was dark and rather eery, a single word was typed across the screen; Searching.
Searching is the classic ‘daughter goes missing; single dad has to find her’ type of deal. Walking into the theatre you would not expect too much out of it but ladies and gentlemen, hold onto your popcorn. This movie takes on a classic plot with a twist as the entire movie takes place while you look into a computer screen. Yes, you read that right; you are watching a computer screen for the duration of the movie. Now do not get me wrong, as the movie was starting I was a little skeptical about it. You would think you would tire of staring at a screen for an hour and forty two minutes but you don’t. Searching is a suspenseful and action packed drama that involves modern technology as the key detective of the case. The father of the film, played by John Cho, uses the internet to track who his technologically savvy daughter talked to and everything she searched during the last day before she went missing and leading up to it.
Throughout the film, many new characters are introduced as Cho dives deeper into his daughter’s online life. There are many moments throughout the movie that you think you know exactly who is behind the disappearance and yet every time, you’re wrong. Searching is captivating movie with in-depth details that pull you into the story, intriguing suspects, the love of a father and so much more. Searching exemplifies how dependent we have become to technology and how careful we truly need to be. For the sake of the movie, the internet saved his daughter’s life. But in real life, you may not want someone being able to trace your every move. Be careful what you put online. So, the next time you need something to do on that rainy Sunday, your answer may be right in front of your eyes.