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Do you Believe in the Effects?

The mandela effects have originated from a guy named Nelson Mandela, he was the president of South Africa from 1994 to 1999. In 1964 Nelson Mandela was imprisoned for leading the anti-apartheid African National Congress and he was accused of over throwing the state. In 1935 Mandela was claimed to be dead by a lot of people.But in December 2013 Nelson Mandela passed away. With this big confusion of everyone thinking he already died he didn't. This is an example of the mandela effect. The mandela effect is an idea that people move between parallel universes (going back in time and changing things). Like for instance Nelson’s death was put in the South African history book in 1935. But he did not die until 2013.

There are many mandela effects that prove universal change is happening, but it’s whether people believe it or not. Some people grew up with some of these effects, Lindsay Conley states, “I grew up knowing a book called “Berenstain Bears”. But now that I hear people talking about the mandela effect, I looked into it and at first I didn't believe it. But I believe it now I seen it was written differently “ Berenstein Bears.” I had problems with it being different but I thought to myself we have to accept both” (Conley). This relates to the Star Wars effect, most people would say Darth Vader says, “Luke I am your father.” It really says, “No, I am your father”. If this hasn’t convinced people enough that it’s real I don't know what will. The Mandela effect has caused some spark in youtube and other medias. But it has turned into a debate whats real and what isn't.

To understand the Mandela effect you have to learn or have some knowledge of history. Indeed history is one of the most important subjects in our lives. Some of the mandela effects involve history. We might think there was only one time we went to the moon there is actually 6 moon landings. The big question is, what is the universe changing or is it time travel? The mandela effect will take you all the way back to the Bible. Another example would be the JFK assassination. We all remember him being shot and 6 people in the car with him. But if you were to watch the video of it happening from a different angle there would only be 4 passengers. Also in the JFK museum his car shows 4 seats. It’s weird right? There are people who think time travel might take place. There is a lot of evidence that time travel is real to but that's another story. Are you convinced the mandela effect is real?


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