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Valley Student Participation in School Events and School Spirit

Most teenagers in high school always dream of having that perfect school spirit and participation, yet at Valley, it isn't quite like that. We are a work in progress. During most spirit weeks for school a majority of the students don’t dress up or have fun with it because they don’t want to be judged. Also as of this year, I’ve been hearing less people are going to homecoming because it isn’t fun for them.

The main school events that students can attend are homecoming, prom, and fall and winter sporting events. Students mainly show school spirit in sporting events and during spirit weeks. After gathering some straight forward information from Valley students, perhaps we will remember the 2018-2019 school year as a time to remember.

Emma Ferhman (Sophomore)

Q. What’s your opinion on Valley’s student participation in school event? Ex:(homecoming, prom, sporting events)

A. “It depends on the type of event. More people often go to the popular school events. If they are not popular people will think they're dumb.”

Q. What’s your opinion on Valley’s student school spirit?

A. “Our school spirit is terrible and everyone is always on their phones and not having fun.”

Q. Use one word to describe Valley school participation in anything.

A. “”

Q. If there's anything you’d change, what would it be, and why?

A. “I would have more people participating in everything, it’d be way more fun that way.”

Rylee Stough (Junior)

Q. What’s your opinion on Valley’s student participation in school event? Ex:(homecoming, prom, sporting events)

A. “It could be better, And quit playing video games and come to school.”

Q. What’s your opinion on Valley’s student school spirit?

A. “It definitely needs more improving. And us students should be more accepted to be wild.”

Q. Use one word to describe Valley school participation in anything.

A. “Stupid and boring”

Q. If there's anything you’d change, what would it be, and why?

A. “More spirit… All of it makes people feel more welcome and it improves the culture of Licking Valley.”

Grace Chesser (Junior)

Q. What’s your opinion on Valley’s student participation in school event? Ex:(homecoming, prom, sporting events)

A. “It’s better than last year. Also the upperclassmen need to encourage the underclassmen to participate.”

Q. What’s your opinion on Valley’s student school spirit?

A. “It’s way more strict than it has been in previous years. Ex: there used to be a couch in the student section on friday night football games.”

Q. Use one word to describe Valley school participation in anything.

A. “Improving”

Q. If there's anything you’d change, what would it be, and why?

A. “Adults should be more lenient with the students cause they're just trying to have fun and have a good time.”

Landen Watson (Sophomore)

Q. What’s your opinion on Valley’s student participation in school event? Ex:(homecoming, prom, sporting events)

A. “Most people show up to them, but only to the popular ones.”

Q. What’s your opinion on Valley’s student school spirit?

A. “The football spirit is very good and all the others aren't at all.”

Q. Use one word to describe Valley school participation in anything.

A. “Mediocre”

Q. If there's anything you’d change, what would it be, and why?

A. “I’d like to have more pep rallies and spirit weeks.”

To sum up the interviews I did, the students all noted common issues. Each person said something related to our school participation being boring or too strict. All the people agreed that they wished it was more fun, and that more students would participate in events.

Valleys school spirit, in my opinion, has gotten so much better this year. More people are realizing that it is super fun to participate and it’s all worth the fun. And it’s totally worth it. So when you have the chance to participate in something fun, do it!


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