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Technological Advancement In Schools

Edtech Magazine reports that 74% of schools have upgraded their students to using all technology. That is over half of the schools worldwide.

The same article claims about 69% of teachers believe that it is helping students more than ever. Teachers believe that if a student has technology “then they have instant access to refresh information that can help with their learning experience.” But why should students rely so much on the internet to do all their work for them if they had proper text books to rely back to much needed information? If students begin relying too much on information what will happen to the world in just a few years? Almost 73% of teachers say that the technology gives the students more of a learning advantage.

One of the major cons with technology being in school is that it can be a huge distraction to the students. Another thing that technology can lead to in schools is cheating because it makes it easier on the students to simply look up and answer instead of when they have to do it on paper it would be more noticable for them to pull out something to look at and try to find the answer. The last major technological difficulty that was labeled on Top Hats’ website was that if the internet was down and a student was trying to do their school work then it would make it impossible, rather than if they had paper and a book then they could do it whenever.

I believe that there should be somewhat of technology in schools, but it should be limited to a point of only the teacher being able to allowed the kids to have it at certain times. There are a few reasons I think we shouldn’t have technology in school.There are a few reasons why I think we shouldn’t have technology in school. I feel like I learned better when I had to find the answers on my own rather than just looking it up, I was not so tempted to get onto other tasks when the teacher was teaching, and I think that if we go to all technology then we will think that we need it for everyday living, and that will affect us for the worst.


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