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About the Amish

So one day the Amish came to Kimberly’s house to build a garage. During the building of the garage, their 5 year old son, Samuel decided to go around the house and collect crab apples for his mama to make apple sauce. After his father Mose figured out that Samuel was “stealing” apples, he made him go tell the Turners what he had done and put them back where he had picked them up from.

The Amish are way different in their own ways from most people. Some ways there different from others is the way they wash and dry their clothes for example. They wash their clothes by hand and dry them by hanging them outside on a clothesline. Another way there different is some of them don’t drive cars, they sometimes either take a horse or they have someone else drive them.

On the other hand there are Mennonites, and most people seem to compare the Amish and them. This seems logical because they both live very plain lives and do adult baptisms. The difference is Mennonites have and use tractors, washers, dryers and other mechanical things.. So this is why most people seem to think there almost the same thing.


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