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The Future of Ethan Brechbill

Ethan is in the National Guard and plans to attend the University of Dension to play football. Obviously, he is going to be very busy with school, football, serving, and having a girlfriend. High school may seem hard sometimes, and you somewhat learn how to manage your time, but after you graduate, you are in school that you are paying for. I asked Ethan what made him want to join the military. He said “[the] benefits and I plan on being an Army Ranger one day,” but he also continued talking about how school was going to be his main priority when he’s not at drill or anything for the National Guard.

The next question I asked him was about his desire to play college football given the mental and physical stress. He said “I love the game and I know sometimes that it will get hard, but I’m willing to push through it. I’m lucky enough to play at the next level. I also love working hard and staying busy so I think I’ll enjoy it a lot.”

When I first heard Ethan was joining the National Guard, I was kind of surprised because he’s a very forgetful person. A few years ago Ethan and I went to the University of Alabama for a football camp. We stayed in the old student dorms for four days. As we arrived to the dorms and got signed into our room, we walked into the room and the beds had no sheets and no pillows. Ethan looked at me and said “I forgot a pillow”, so I gave him mine. Not only was it my only pillow, but it was my favorite one from home. We enjoyed the camp and after the final practice we headed back to the dorm to pack up. We got everything loaded in the car turn in our key and we hit the road. We drove for about two hours until I was ready for a nap. I looked at Ethan and asked where my pillow was and his eyes got really wide and said “I thought you grabbed it”.

So he’s going to have a lot on his plate and will have to manage his time correctly without forgetting anything but he has motivation on his side.


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