The Journey To 300 Wins
They weren’t lying when they said enjoy your last year because it flies by. I tried to enjoy it as long as I could, but the season came rushing to the end and all of a sudden I’m an alumni.
It all started in the summer working out on the hot turf with a coach yelling at you. None of that changed throughout the season except the hot turf suddenly became ice cold as the season start to reach its final weeks. However, in that season I shared many memories and a bond that could never be broken with my teammates and coaches.
Coach Baughman was definitely a big part of that because in our last playoff game, we were down at halftime and we came back at the end of the game and almost won. He was really proud and said a lot of teams would have given up, but when you were down, we almost came back.
My senior season was very special and I was lucky enough to be apart of coach Baughman’s 300th win. It was very special because our senior class was very close and we worked really hard coming off of a 4-6 season. Coach Baughman is a very good coach and he taught us more about life than football. He definitely was one of my favorite coaches because he not only pushed us to be better teammates, but people. Also, when I had my daughter Nova, he came to the hospital that night, so he definitely cares about his players.
I never attended a Valley game when I was little, but I do remember the first one I went to. I was in the 7th grade and I went to Newark Catholic. I went with my dad and it was a different experience that I will never forget. It was crazy how the fans were so into the game and the environment was not like a normal Friday night football game. I knew I wanted to play football at Valley that night, and a couple years later I got to start as a sophomore.
I tried my best to enjoy my every second of my senior football season and I did. I believe I left everything out on the field and accomplished a couple of goals that I set in the offseason. It was an honor to be apart of coach Baughman’s 300th win and I hope next season is just as good.